Smart Care
We help seniors live independently at home and give loved ones and caregivers peace of mind. With our Smart Care solutions, you can be safe knowing that care and other assistance are never too far away.
Safe at home
Move around your home safely with instant access to the Alarm Receiving Center (ARC) trough a care phone, if needed.
Safe on the go
Protect your loved ones with our alert solution including a GPS safety watch.
Smart Care Alarm Receiving Center
Our experienced care professionals respond to alarms and provide assistance 24/7/365.
Safe, secure and reliable solutions
Our Smart Care solutions help relatives support their elderly and dependent family members. Loved ones can be cared for in real time while maintaining their independent living in their own home. We offer smart solutions and support services that combine human care with reliable and safe technology. Your loved one’s safety and security is assured 24 hours a day.